Re: Quran 9:29; Hadith Abu-Dawud 9:1571; 19:3031,3040,3047. Hadith Bukhari 53:386. Hadith
Muwatta 17.24.46. Hadith
Muslim 19:4294; 42:7065.
Jizyah is a poll tax against non-Muslims,[1] a levy imposed on Jews and Christians.[2] Jizyah is a form of extortion,[3] to convert and humble Jews and Christians.[4] Muhammad even smiled when he saw how much had been stolen by way of the Jizyah.[5] Requiring a Jizyah tax as a tribute[6] violates individual rights to equal protection under the law, since it seeks to subdue[7] non-Muslim Jews[8] and Christians to false Islamic teachings.
Jizyah is
Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah,
(2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah
and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e.
Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until
they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Quran 9:29.
Jizyah is a poll tax against non-Muslims,[1] a levy imposed on Jews and Christians.[2] Jizyah is a form of extortion,[3] to convert and humble Jews and Christians.[4] Muhammad even smiled when he saw how much had been stolen by way of the Jizyah.[5] Requiring a Jizyah tax as a tribute[6] violates individual rights to equal protection under the law, since it seeks to subdue[7] non-Muslim Jews[8] and Christians to false Islamic teachings.
Question: Why do the Islamic texts permit the immoral behavior of theft and robbery, which clearly run contrary to God's characteristics of holiness and justice?
[1] Hadith
Abu-Dawud 9:1571.
[2] Hadith
Abu-Dawud 19:3040,3047.
[3] Hadith
Abu-Dawud 19:3031.
[4] Hadith
Muwatta 17.24.46.
[5] Hadith
Muslim 42:7065.
[6] Hadith
Bukhari 53:386.
[7] Hadith
Muslim 19:4294.
[8] Hadith
Bukhari 52:176-77,271; 56:791; 55:546; 93:633.
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