Monday, August 15, 2011

What are some characteristics of Muhammad?

He ordered killings, murders, and was guilty of having the blood of others on his hands.

Sexually immoral
He had orgies by sleeping w/ 9 women in the same night. Hadith Bukhari 62:6; this also exceeded the number of wives permitted to a man by Quran 4:3.

Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Romans 13:13

He read the Quran while fondling & sleeping w/ woman during their period. Hadith Bukhari 6:298 – Menstrual Periods.
A righteous man does not sleep with a woman during her period.

He encouraged adultery by saying that a woman taste a new husband before returning to old husband. Hadith Bukhari 63:238 – Divorce; Bukhari 73:107; 48:807.

He said that women should rub their bodies against animals while grieving. Hadith Bukhari 63:251 – Divorce.

He claimed that Jesus was not fit. Hadith Bukhari 93:507 – Oneness; 60:3,236; 93:532c.
He said he did not know what will become of him or of you. Quran 46:9

Verses were cancelled. Hadith Bukhari 31:170; 62:52; 59:421; 60:53.
Different teachings and recitations of Sura Furqan by Muhammad. Hadith Bukhari 41:601; 61:514.
Said "so and so," as if the details weren't relevant. Hadith Bukhari 2:46; 7:340; 83:16; 59:369,514,566; 60:72,118; 73:93.
Said "such-and-such." Hadith Bukhari 61:562; 59:595; 59:468; 60:134; 60:207
Filled with contradictions: Hadith Bukhari 85:81 contradicts Quran 4:24;
Hadith Bukhari 2:17; 48:821, 52:257 inconsistent w/ Exodus 20:13;
Muhammad's coming after Jesus inconsistent w/ Hadith Bukhari 34:425; 43:656; 55:657.

Racism against Africans or blacks. Hadith Bukhari 62:41.

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