Monday, August 15, 2011

Divorce & the treatment of Women

* Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Colossians 3:19

* "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith. Malachi 2:16

* Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. 1 Corinthians 7:27

* Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery : and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery. Luke 16:18


Why isn't it permissible for a woman to travel by herself. Re: Hadith Bukhari 20:194.

Is beating/lashing a slave girl right? Re: Hadith Bukhari 34:362.

Is stoning a woman right? Re: Hadith Bukhari 38:508.

Is killing & mortgaging women right? Re: Hadith Bukhari 45:687.

Will God curse a woman for not sleeping with her husband? Re: Hadith Bukhari 54:460.

Why does Muhammad say that the majority of the inhabitants of hell are women, is that correct? Re: Hadith Bukhari 54: 464.

Is cutting off a woman's hand really just? Re: Hadith Bukhari 59:597.

Are your wives really a tilth unto you to be used as you please? Re: Quran 2:223; Hadith Bukhari 60:51.

Divorce gives wives better for you? Re: Quran 66:5; Hadith Bukhari 60:10, 438.

Is divorce and remarriage morally right in God's eyes? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:52.

Should women have to fear cruelty or desertion from their husband? Re: Quran 4:128; Bukhari 60:124,125; 62:134.

Is it lawful to only marry a woman temporarily, and only for a garment at that? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:139.

So is it about picking and choosing wives? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:312.

As an act of worship, why can't a woman fast or give charitably without her husband's permission? Re: Hadith Bukhari 62:120, 123.

Is marriage a matter of right and property when it comes to having relations with a woman? Re: Hadith Bukhari 62:81, 82.

Is a woman cursed for not sleeping with her husband? Re: Hadith Bukhari 62:121,122.

Why must a woman sleep with another man instead of returning to her husband? Up to a hundred times? Isn't that immoral? Re: Hadith Bukhari 63:187; 63:190.

Upon divorce, is the preference that the child remain in the custody of the mother? Re: Hadith Bukhari 63:235.

Is it consistent with the law that Muhammad would consider stoning a woman without witnesses? Re: Hadith Bukhari 63:236.

* One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. Deuteronomy 19:15

Why was Muhammad obsessed with the lustily flesh of tasting or sleeping with another rather than returning to one's spouse? Re: Hadith Bukhari 63:238.

Why is a woman an evil omen or sign, is that right? Re: Hadith Bukhari 71:649.

So women who use weaves or undergo chemotherapy would be cursed for using artificial hair? Re: Hadith Bukhari 72:824.

Why was Muhammad lusting and imagining sleeping with women? Re: Hadith Bukhari 73:89.

Why would the majority of hell be filled with women? Is that really correct? Re: Hadith Bukhari 76:554,555.

Why did Muhammad order the men to have sex with their wives after the Hajj? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:464.

Why is it wrong to weep or mourn for the dead? Re: Hadith Bukhari 89:322.

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