Monday, August 15, 2011

* Then the LORD said to me, "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds. Jeremiah 14:14

* "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15

* If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions. 1 Timothy 6:3-4

* I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. Revelation 22:18-19

* Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. John 12:31


How can you confirm if a prophet is true? Re: Hadith Bukhari 55:546

Jesus break the cross and abolish the Jizyah? Re: Hadith Bukhari 34:425; 43:656; 55:657; Hadith Muslim 1:289.

Is anger one of the fruits of a prophet? Re: Hadith Bukhari 43:648; 49:871

Lost sheep – for a wolf? Re: Hadith Bukhari 42:611.

Would God support religion with a wicked man? Re: Hadith Bukhari 59:515

God's wrath on man over a broken tooth? Re: Hadith Bukhari 59:400

So you have to bring one with chains on their neck until they embrace Islam? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:80

Would God curse the Jews or any other people group? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:157

Are we forgiven as a result of our mixed deeds? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:196

Does God seize an individual with pain, or set the captive free? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:208

Can good deeds remove evil deeds by compulsion? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:209

Should a tree that resembles a Muslim only produce fruit from time to time? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:220

Do Christians believe in paradise, and will there be food and drink therein? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:252

Does God desire to see 99% of people go to hell, even from Gog and Magog? Does God desire to see a woman have a miscarriage? Will Jesus have white hair in heaven? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:265. Exodus 21:22. Is it relative, do all roads or ways lead to heaven? Re: Hadith Bukhari 76:537

How could the moon have been split into two parts if we view it as a complete circle or globe when we look to the sky? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:387

Will Muhammad stand in judgment before the lord or prince of this world? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:460. John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11.

Is the right path going to be smooth and one of ease? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:469, 472

Will an angel of God forcibly press, afflict or distress someone? Re: Hadith Bukhari 60:478

Is the answer when there is a conflict or discrepancy in the Quran to just stop? Re: Hadith Bukhari 61:581

Will there be 70,000 people admitted into heaven without being accountable before God? Re: Hadith Bukhari 71:606; 72:702.

How does truthfulness and righteousness compare against deceit? Re: Quran 17:64 versus Hadith Bukhari 73:116.

Peace, life is good? Re: Hadith Bukhari 73:138

Is yawning from Satan, does he get a laugh out of that? Re: Hadith Bukhari 73:245

So Adam was 90 feet (30 meters) tall, is that really true? Re: Hadith Bukhari 74:246

So a Muslim has to shave their armpits and cut their beards short according to the Fitra? Re: Hadith Bukhari 74:312

How can Muhammad repent and ask for forgiveness seventy times when Islam doesn't recognize the concept of atonement? Re: Quran 9:80 versus Hadith Bukhari 75:319

What are some of the characteristics found in the 99 names of God? Does God only love odd numbers, what does 40 represent? Re: Hadith Bukhari 75:419

Is the concern with wealth or money only in how it is spent? Re: Hadith Bukhari 76:435

Is your reward based on your intentions or actions? Re: Hadith Bukhari 78:680; 86:85

If the best were the earlier generations, then what does that say about the current generation? Re: Hadith Bukhari 78:686

Was the period before Islam truly one of ignorance? Does God hate anyone? Re: Hadith Bukhari 83:21

Are babies really born of Islamic faith, or is faith an individual choice? Re: Hadith Bukhari 77:597

Was Muhammad's dream interpreted accurately, and was it Gabriel who he really saw? Re: Hadith Bukhari 87:111.

If there's a difference between good dreams and bad dreams from Satan, could Muhammad have been mistaken? Re: Hadith Bukhari 87:115.

What are the 46 parts of prophetism? Re: Hadith Bukhari 87:118

Can false prophets who claim prophetism be false, especially if they are influenced by their own thoughts or by Satan? What are iron collars, fetters, or chains a symbol of in dream? Re: Hadith Bukhari 87:144. Job 36:5-11, Jeremiah 30:8.

Is seeing iron chains in a dream nothing to worry about according to Muhammad? Is praying a lot a key to heaven, or does it depend on who your praying to and if you're praying with a sincere heart? Re: Hadith Bukhari 87:155

Why offer to sacrifice one's own father? Is honey really a symbol of the Quran? Re: Hadith Bukhari ¬87:170

Would God save or destroy the righteous among a wicked people? Re: Hadith Bukhari 88:181; 88:249

Does honesty decrease in your sleep? Why not deal with a Christian? Re: Hadith Bukhari 88:208

Does calamity await or befall you after you're admitted to heaven? Re: Hadith Bukhari 88:217

If Muhammad prayed toward Jerusalem, why did he decide to change his mind and pray towards the east instead? Re: Hadith Bukhari 91:358

Why kill a convert, hasn't God made faith a matter of individual choice? Re: Hadith Bukhari 89:271

Why would you take a camel into your house, and is it a surprise that it kicked you? Re: Hadith Bukhari 89:302

Are we really self-sufficient? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:376

Isn't Jesus going to judge us according to the Gospel? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:383; Quran 3:55; Quran 46:9.

In order to get into heaven, isn't our obedience measured in light of an obedience to God and not man? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:384

Will women who have lost children really not be accountable on the Day of Judgment? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:413

So Muslims must follow the way of the Jews and Christians? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:422

Isn't God's Word unchangeable? Why not seek answers from the Scripture? Re: Hadith Bukhari 92:460,461; Quran 10:64,94.

Why should we swear by God, isn't that wrong? Re: Hadith Bukhari 93:498

Lost sheep in the desert? Re: Hadith Bukhari 93:638

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